Website Design
High quality, professional websites
High quality, professional websites
Conversion Optimized Website Copy
Rank highly in Google
Attract Clients Fast
Please click on any of the tabs below to answer some frequently asked questions. If you have any questions that are not answered here please feel free to contact me.
Where can I find photos for my website?
It is always best if you are able to create your own images (such as using your own photos). If you would like to source stock photography, there are many such sites. The sites that I most recommend are and
I dont want to write my website myself. Can you write my website for me?
Yes. I am able to write your website for you. When doing this I will talk with you first (either in person or by phone) to get an idea of what content you would like on your website. I can then write the website and submit it to you for changes/approval. I charge $45 per hour for time writing a website and would usually expect the process to take 8-10 hours, including our initial discussion.
Can I change or edit the website myself once you have designed it?
Yes, you can change or edit your website yourself once I have designed it. Depending on your level of IT background I may need to teach you how to do this (I design websites using WordPress). I am happy to teach you how to do this. I charge $45 per hour for this tuition.
How much do you charge?
The cost for your website will depend on if:
I detail the costs in both cases on my “Work With Me” page.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is a way of making it more likely that your site will appear highly on Google searches.
I want my site to be number 1 on Google. Can you do that?
There is no guaranteed way that a site will always appear as the top search item on Google. However there are a number of ways to make it more likely that a site will rank highly on Google searches. I am happy to discuss with you what these ways are.
If you are ready to create a beautiful and affordable website that will attract clients to your therapy or health practice then please contact me.
I look forward to working with you!